
The Story of my TP3 SDA


Let’s start with the premise that Data Structure and Algorithm is very hard for me.

Unlike most of my friends that I observe (notice that I can be bias here because I only observe those who are in my friend group) I am bad at coding.

You may ask, “Really? Darrel is a student at the University of Indonesia and he can’t code?” and I think that very comment is fair. Let me explain by what did I meant when I say I am bad at coding. So, unlike most of my friends, I am not a hardcore coder. I only see programming as a tool.

What do I mean by programming as a tool? I see programming as a tool where I can do data science. I can automate certain things on my laptop by doing programming. I can make my computer do hard math when I am too lazy to calculate it by hand. This is what I mean by I see programming as a tool.

Because of this relationship with programming that I have, I am not the guy you want to be dealing with thousands of lines of code. The most line of code that I can handle in my comfort zone is around 200 ish. Maybe 500 at max if it’s not that hard. But well oh well, I am a student at the University of Indonesia. The standards here is very high.

I am often overwhelemed with my own code. This is one of the reason I cannot code for my DSA class. It’s because it’s just too overwhelming to trace everything. And I am not the kinda guy who likes brutal computer science programming.

Well, let’s just agree that people have their own strength and weakness yeah?

The Suprise

With that premise, you can guess my score at my Tugas Pemograman (TP) score. My first and second TP score was 12 and 4 accordingly. Suprising? I guess not.

But what’s suprising is my TP3 score. I got 51 for it. I am very lucky and happy for the score. I really really am. It feels impossible considering that I expect to only get 0 this time due to the score trend of each TP.

Lesson Learned

Well, the only thing that I wanna say is that nothing is impossible I guess. Anything can happen. You just need to work for it and hope that luck is with you. I am not the kinda guy who believe in luck btw. I used that word to make this blog universal. But, if you’re religious, you can subtitute the word luck with God. I really believe that if the thing that you want feels impossible but that’s God’s will to happen, well nothing can stop it from happening to you.

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