- Linux tutorial – actually it’s very helpful to learn it because I can write this message from my terminal, not my notepad :D. Also, navigating directory is actually pretty interesting now.
- Markdown cheatsheet – an important aspect of programmer’s life is to make readme files. In readme files, we often use markdown. That’s why I included this link.
- Moving to the end of line in vi – It’s very important to know shortcut. We can use `$’ (dollar sign) key to move to the end of the line.
- Scp command – Before, I don’t know what is scp. But after learning it, it’s not that hard. SCP is basically the same as cp (copy) but for copying in different environtment (yes I know this isn’t the formal term).
- PowerShell looks better! – Honestly, I think studying cs is one thing. But being cool also counts as an important thing. That’s exactly why I want to make my Powershell looks better. I made my powershell such that it looks like an ubuntu CLI kinda thingy.
- fork() in c – How I interpret fork() in c is basically like an amoeba. It splits itself in half and called it it’s decendants (child).
- PID and PPID – Found this webthat showed me what PID and PPID really means.
- Dining-Philosophers Problem – A problem in which computer need to know when to “pick up a fork” or “put down a fork”.
- Peterson’s algorithm – An algorithm that use flag and turn to know which process can go in.
- Chapter 5 of LFS from Kertonex – I mean, what can I say? It’s a very helpful tutorial. I followed his tutorial and compare my output with the video. It’s also nice to have some company to run LFS with.
- Linux From Scratch Chapter 6 introduction – The chapter where we do cross compiling stuffs.
- Linux From Scratch Chapter 7 introduction – The chapter in which we build from a chroot environtment. This is very important for chaper 8.
- My tutorial of LFS ch 8 – A shameless self-promotion. Made this with love. Hope that this can help people doing chapter 8 because it can be quite daunting at first.