

Hi! I’m Darrel. I’m just an ordinary guy who loves being a virtual pilot and loves music theory, psychology, philosophy, theology, cooking theory, and many more. On this blog, I want to share the stuffs that I wanna share.

This is a blog that I made during my midterm moments on my third semester as a computer science student at the University of Indonesia. I was inspired by one of my lecturers to build this website. He linked Jekyll tutorial by Girrafe Academy on his website. At the same time, I was feeling burnout by doing all my course at campus, so that’s why I’m building this post, I suppose to vent out everything that’s on my mind. Hope you like it and maybe this blog can be an inspiration for you. Lastly, I want to talk about my My GitHub Page. I don’t know, maybe you’re intersted to see the code to this blog.

p.s. I know that my grammar is all over the place. I am really sorry for all the gramatical error that I made on my writings. I hope that you can forgive me. Also, I am using English because I can’t write something in a gaya yang tidak baku in bahasa Indonesia. But anyways, this is my blog, so I can do anything that I want hehehe :D